Your dance within the vitality of the sacred essence of your movements is an ever simple and accessible way to your total presence.
Balance and integrity are closely linked to mindful awareness of your powerful sacred essence.
Your mindfulness leads to your total presence consciousness for your better living cultural revolution.
Align to the essential. Live by your fundamental aspirations. Connect to your body in tune to your sacred essence. Be joyfully empowered.
I invite you to deepen your knowledge and undestanding of your sacred essence original rhythm.
I propose that you share to better grasp, claim and embrace your sacred dance as fundamental legacy to fundamentally joyful total presence.
Align to the essential. Live by your fundamental aspirations. Connect to your body in tune to your sacred essence. Be joyfully empowered in total presence.
Your dance aligned to the rhythm of your sacred essence genuinely propels you to Be joyfully in balance and integrity of heart and soul, body, mind and spirit, within and without.
Seek true knowledge by being open to constantly question your understanding of your becoming.
Your movement in body and speech expresses the language you choose to be.
As you properly understand, identify, grasp and integrate its essence, the art of movement through your sacred dance, transcends into power of spiritual, political, economic and social as much as cultural revolution.
Draw yourself in the moment.
Let the soul rhythm of your essence enlighten you.
♥ You need to align to the essential.
♥ You need to share your awareness' and values.
♥ You need both indulgence and discipline to co-evolve in the worlds.
♥ You need cohesion in body and mind alignment.
♥ You need to live by your fundamental aspirations in synchronisation with reality.
♥ You need to be connected to your body and your spirit.
♥ You need to be naturally empowered.
♥ You need to deeply express yourself.
♥ You need to dance respect, clarity and integrity in balancing all of your constant becomings.
You need to align to the essential. You need to share your awareness' and values. You need both indulgence and discipline to co-evolve in the worlds. You need cohesion in body and mind alignment.
You need to live by your fundamental aspirations in synchronisation with reality. You need to be connected to your body and your spirit. You need to be naturally empowered. You need to deeply express yourself. You need to dance respect, clarity, and integrity in balancing all of your constant becomings.
Traditional cultures, including traditional dances, all over the planet are aligned in response to these needs.
They are means of expression of built-on knowledge from the biginning of time.
They paved the way to overall quality of life.
They provide techniques and processes to health and fitness.
They hold vibrant benificial energy transmission keys.
They fuel our spirit to self-care towards balance and integrity.
They lead us beyond body and time.
They convey so much more than what meet the eyes.
Would you agree?
''Dance has been my teacher, ever so patiently revealing to me,
the dignity, beauty and strength in the cultural heritage of my people, as a vital part of the great heritage of all mankind''.
~ Pearl Primus
My Statement in Accelerated Motion Dance History
Don't worry about your age, ability, health and fitness and wellness level. You can naturally and viscerally access this ultimate self-care to self-conquest legacy. You integrate it through rhythm.
Rhythm is everywhere in our daily lives. We acknowledge its vital nature within. We embrace every moment in tune with the rhythm of our breath.
We give ourselves the means to become more aware. We appreciate simple gestures. We nurture them, be it morning rituals, everyday workouts, going outside and move, walks.
You want a better grasp on times and your time.
You want more self-esteem and trust.
You want better care for yourself, your body and your environment towards overall wellness.
You want to fully express who you truly are.
You want to dance respect, clarity and integrity in balancing all your constant becomings always better.
You want a better grasp on times and your time.
You want more self-esteem and trust.
You want better care for yourself, your body and your environment towards overall wellness.
You want to fully express who you truly are.
You want to dance respect, clarity and integrity in balancing all of your constant becomings always better.
3 keys to initially and naturally align to your very own legacy which in turn will permeate all aspects of your life.
Here are these 3 essential keys:
We develop our full potential of inherent self-care vitality through rhythms. We evolve as we Indulge in, Appreciate & Integrate them better.
We Indulge in through presence in observing without prejudice or censorship.
We simply take in all there is through all our senses.
We Appreciate what our beings, our soul, positively respond to.
We stir this vital energy we tapped into through action or meditation. We experience it further.
We fine-tune our consciousness to better Integrate it.
These are dances spirit powerful heritage to joyful living. They resonate positively in all areas of your life.
Conscious movement in harmony within our body strengthens our inner power. Conscious movement helps us better appreciate ourselves and our presence in the worlds.
We are discerning conscious movement revolution through the rhythms of our breath.
Thus, we embody and integrate the profound joy of powerful self-care to self-conquest. They manifest all through life's journey.
Dance your essence, your powerful sacred nature vitality, master key to your total presence.
All that is important in this one moment is movement. Make the moment important, vital, and worth living. Do not let it slip away unnoticed and unused.
~ Martha Graham
Ultimately, your genuine dance propels you to Be entirely.
Let us connect truly with people everywhere on the planet. Let us indulge in the learning experience. Let us share the wealth.
Let us build together a crescendo of ever-growing consciousness and grow in appreciation of each other. Let us nurture our presence within the world cultures and the universe.
Let us research world ancestral traditions, examine their emergence nowadays in all, cultures and every space on the planet.
Let us explore world communities' faith and mysteries as we stay true to or unravel our own essence.
We all came into this realm, a marvel, and unique miracle. We still are.
Beyond our similarities and differences, we are all link to water, earth, fire, air, and divinity.
Let us connect to integrate life elements better, and embody total health and fitness and wellness. Let us reach deeply to our essence, our soul rhythms in self-care to self-conquest.
Your soul rhythm is your vital energy eternal essence. Once you tap into it, you board the journey in your perfect spaceship, in the full power of your consciousness light.
Ask questions, propose answers from heart and soul, body, mind and spirit. Let your total presence spirit flow!
Go on to the boutique Mouvement de mieux-vivre | Aligne always better and better to the essential towards a healthy in a healthy body for a serene mindset, with practical tools.
Express your experiences, commitments, strength, love, and joy.
Share your art, wins, challenges of total presence to self-conquest, unwind your dance...
♥ This path of light, on a genuine revolution dance movement to the purity of our sacred essence, is for you! ♥
Happy to have you here! I'm Khefista Shemzoumot.
Happy to share this powerful self-care to self-conquest journey in joyful conscious movement of universal wellness.
We care to Be entirely. We stir our vital energy. We embrace and celebrate total presence to fully dance respect, clarity and integrity in balancing our constant becoming.
We are one dance with the earth, the universe and the infinite.
Everything relates to your dance because life is a dance. Your dance is movement. Movement is life.
This inevitable cultural revolution movement dance is mindful total presence rhythm of respect, clarity and integrity in balancing your constant becoming to the purity of your sacred essence.
My vital energy focus for us: to embrace this inevitable cultural revolution movement to the dance rhythms of respect, clarity and integrity in balancing our constant becoming to infinity.
Honour to our Nanas and Legba; Honour to our Ancestors;
We open the doors. We help each of us put all barriers down.
We help each of us unravel and fuel flowing positive communication channels.
We help each of us empower growing communities of ever more deeply respectful and grounded people.
We help each of us empower growing communities of people thriving to dance balance and integrity in all.
We help each of us empower growing communities of people in mindfulness and total presence through consciously honest questions and movements.
We help each of us empower growing communities of people honouring our essence in powerful self-care to self-conquest.
We help each of us be trustworthy companions in our total presence engagement and guidance.
We help each of us cut ourselves from fears.
We help each of us to sustainable health and fitness and wealth, to travel in joy to the right places for continuous learning towards balance and integrity in all.
We help each of us lead the way for our daughters and sons to grow well, heart and soul, body, mind and spirit through sustainable abundance mindset to the purity of the sacred essence of our dance.
''To understand the culture, study the dance.
To understand the dance, study the people.''
~ Chuck Davis