Hello! I am Khefista Shemzoumot! Happy to have you here!
I am grateful for this opportunity to share with you!
Your presence is awesome! Welcome home!
To get in touch with me, simply use the contact form or one of the social media available that suits you best.
Words of appreciation of your presence follow with a little gift.
A little artwork to convey a few magic moments towards our cultural revolution movement to the dance rhythm of our sacred essence, and, serenity of our total presence aligned to the universe cycles
We touch the essence of our vitality through mindful total presence.
Mindful total presence brings full awareness of every movement towards respect, clarity and integrity.
Your dance strengthens your inner power to connect to your sacred essence.
Your dance carries the power of spiritual, social, political and economic as well as cultural revolution dance rhythm from the heart to conscious embodied movements.
Your mindful conscious movement has deep roots of strength to live better and more fully, in total health and fitness, heart and soul, body, mind and spirit fundamental joy.
In this journey, we gain invaluable awareness as we open up to ourselves and the world.
We proclaim and generously share, on the largest scale possible, in abundance and without restraint, the beauty and power of our mindful total presence. Don't hesitate to get in touch with me.
We must absolutely dance the cultural revolution movement of respect and clarity to radiate balance and integrity in all!
Cultural revolution movement with you to the rhythm of your sacred essence is an open space to you.
Express your experiences, commitments, love and joy.
Share about your arts, wins, challenges to total presence and self-conquest.
Bring your spark to this journey, open to better grasp your mindful total presence energy vibration.
Share, heart to soul, as you wish.
You may inspire me and others above and beyond our imagination.
Change occurs but the basic element of dance endures.
~ Elizabeth A. Hanley
(Introduction from the books serie WORLD OF DANCE)
You can use this form right away or take your time to discover around.
We can get acquainted further with My Dance to self-conquest.
I also invite you to Be in the flow, learn, appreciate, and engage in this powerful heart and soul, body, mind and spirit rhythms journey as the sacred essence of your dance carrier.
...Flow, the medium of dance / movement, can connect community, just as water connects people
~ Marylee hardenbergh (Global Water Dances)
Rhythm is the foundation, the primary element, the vital energetic force at the essence of our movements.
The rhythm of my dance to self-conquest aligns to your rhythm when you get in touch with me in whatever mode you are most at ease with.
For me, it is a huge challenge to express, in words, the sublime quintessential sacred essence of our dances.
revolisyon kadansenou.com's viability stems from the expertise developed with the online business system (Solo Built It) which somehow makes it easier for you to get in touch with me here.
revolisyon kadansenou.com's viability also allows me to lead this precious and genuine quest to the continuous truth of our existence, as a sacred essence of our dances carrier, with simplicity, authenticity, audacity and integrity.
Dance is not just for dancers, but for anyone sensitive to the meaning of motion. Dance is... awareness.
~ Michele and Robert Root-Bernstein (Psychology Today)
Presence, love, respect and joy, towards balance and integrity are all here.
Every word aims to make this worldwide soul travel well worth your attention.
Your dance is a safe kind of high!
Give way, to the greatest extent possible, to the expression of your timeless and infinite sacred essence!
Go on to the boutique Mouvement de mieux-vivre | Aligne always better and better to the essential towards a healthy in a healthy body for a serene mindset, with practical tools.
Express your experiences, commitments, strength, love, and joy.
Share your art, wins, challenges of total presence to self-conquest, unwind your dance...
♥ This path of light, on a genuine revolution dance movement to the purity of our sacred essence, is for you! ♥
Happy to have you here! I'm Khefista Shemzoumot.
Happy to share this powerful self-care to self-conquest journey in joyful conscious movement of universal wellness.
We care to Be entirely. We stir our vital energy. We embrace and celebrate total presence to fully dance respect, clarity and integrity in balancing our constant becoming.
We are one dance with the earth, the universe and the infinite.
Everything relates to your dance because life is a dance. Your dance is movement. Movement is life.
This inevitable cultural revolution movement dance is mindful total presence rhythm of respect, clarity and integrity in balancing your constant becoming to the purity of your sacred essence.
My vital energy focus for us: to embrace this inevitable cultural revolution movement to the dance rhythms of respect, clarity and integrity in balancing our constant becoming to infinity.
Honour to our Nanas and Legba; Honour to our Ancestors;
We open the doors. We help each of us put all barriers down.
We help each of us unravel and fuel flowing positive communication channels.
We help each of us empower growing communities of ever more deeply respectful and grounded people.
We help each of us empower growing communities of people thriving to dance balance and integrity in all.
We help each of us empower growing communities of people in mindfulness and total presence through consciously honest questions and movements.
We help each of us empower growing communities of people honouring our essence in powerful self-care to self-conquest.
We help each of us be trustworthy companions in our total presence engagement and guidance.
We help each of us cut ourselves from fears.
We help each of us to sustainable health and fitness and wealth, to travel in joy to the right places for continuous learning towards balance and integrity in all.
We help each of us lead the way for our daughters and sons to grow well, heart and soul, body, mind and spirit through sustainable abundance mindset to the purity of the sacred essence of our dance.
''To understand the culture, study the dance.
To understand the dance, study the people.''
~ Chuck Davis