Learn to dance your vital energy to the rhythm of your soul spirit timeless essence


Your dance, your sacred soul spirit vital and health energy flow, is class apart from all other activity that exist.

We learn to dance quite simply to the rhythm of our vital energy. 

Your dance as motor of total health and fitness channels your soul spirit vital energy rhythm

"Rhythm is a map to everywhere we want to go, inner, outer, forward, back, physical, emotional, intellectual, it reconnects us to the wisdom of our bodies and unleash movement's dynamic"

~ Gabrielle Roth

A simple health energy rhythm vibrates, touches our gut, heart, stomach, feet, brain, shoulders and hands... 

Our spirit lightens.

It's rhythm. It's movement.

It's earth energy that recognizes the body in movement. The flow of energy vibrates round and round, back and forth. Blood circulates easily.

All our internal functions are set in motion and every single body part simply connects with our spirit.

It's your dance movement in synchronicity with your spirit rhythm and, your bond to the universe.

It's total health and fitness of heart and soul, body, mind, and spirit. 

Your dance is your spirit rhythm embodied wisdom

"As we tap into the deep sources of bodily wisdom through creative art expression, we dance the renewal, recreation and healing of ourselves and our world" 

~ Anna Halprin 

Master of your body, you are its guardian (kreyòl proverb: Se mèt kò ki veye kò)!

This creole proverb gets all its meaning with the consciousness that our body is like a container, our body is a temple.

We need to revive simple wisdom in traditions and remember not only the how, what-for and why. We need to feel the power of simple wisdom in traditions with deep consciousness.

We need to understand what to safe keep to dance the revolution movement of love, respect and joy, balance and integrity within ourselves, our environment and the universe.  

Your dance, simple health energy flow, is your spirit rhythm embodied wisdom.

Your dance simply allows access to conscious and unconscious spiritual healing that triggers your acute sacred spirit vital energy rhythm awareness towards balance and integrity in all.

Learn to dance simply

We naturally set ourselves in motion just like in our early childhood natural progresses...

Free of judgments we connect to our dance spirit...

  • in sheer enjoyment by effortlessly indulge in observations

  • with appreciation of what we feel positively about 

  • through immersion in the learning

  • in a joyful state of Being embodied

  • as whole integration as we enhance our consciousness

These hold true as long as our sheer curiosity and creativity are nurtured, and even then...

Can you dance?  Can you learn to dance?

It's natural! Right?

Conscious of the vital impact of simple rhythm energy flow, we learn something new every day with pride, excitement and pure joy.

On the other hand, we've all heard someone or maybe you are that person who says: "I can't dance".  

I'm not the only one who says: "You can walk! You can dance!". 

Some people can't walk and they dance.

They dance with their arms.

They dance with their head.

They dance in their head.

They dance in silence, ripples of movements inside.

And it works!

The energy, the joy, the connection, it's all there!

Dance is simply rhythm in movement.

Learning and teaching dance

In teaching and learning dance, we are companions in a journey with... 

  • inner voice,
  • inner movements, 
  • inner creativity, 
  • inner truth.

The teaching and learning environments impact the dance, be it, folk, traditional, modern, contemporary or pop culture.  

Dance being a living art and as with all living things, symbiosis with the environment is inevitable.

Also, learning dance in a class, online, as a kid, a teen or an adult or, in a specific setting for fitness, as rituals in movements, alone, in communities or in healing retreats, bear multiple experiences to reach new level of consciousness, abilities, heights and dimensions.  

Each specific setting to learn to dance invites to powerful mindfulness in variations of interactions, expressions, and our bodies questions and answers. This aspect of dancing is particularly recognized in dance therapies for various conditions, including dance therapy to help cerebral palsy patient.

And through your inner dance spirit, you learn to dance your vital energy as a simple and natural energy flow. 

Dance, rhythm and culture

It takes rhythm for dance to manifest.  

Within every single culture, rhythm is to the quality of our lives what heartbeat is to our bodies.

Thus, believe it or not, dances are a culture's cardiometer, reflecting its pulse.

Cultural anthropology and dance ethnology enhance dance education quality 

"I believe dance is a manifestation and celebration of the tenacity of the human spirit."  

~ Robert Battle

Modern cultural anthropology is a social science research field about the customs of a given society.

This social science has its origins in, and was developed in reaction to, 19th century ethnology.

Ethnology involves the organized comparison of human societies.  

In dance ethnology, as a branch of cultural anthropology, we study the similarities and differences in different communities from their cultural context in dance traditions.

This knowledge brings sharp perspectives in dance education.

As a dance instructor as well as a student, we gain a luggage full of new awareness and awesome tools for the body's memories and deep progress as we teach and learn dance whether in dance academies or any other venue.

Your dance is sacred powerful energy flow of your spirit timeless essence rhythm

You want balance and harmony in heart, body, mind, spirit and soul?

Learn to dance your vital energy, your sacred essence!

Your dance movements are emotions connected to your spirit.

You have experienced it! You know.  

If not, you may just not take my words for it. Trust yourself then.

Let go! Learn to dance your essence! Feel it! Simple!

As simply, sacred is define as something to honour.

Indeed, those many vibes in your dance essence connecting the dots and healing are such, sacred powerful energy flow of your spirit timeless essence rhythm.

Your dance movements are vibrations connected to your soul.

Traditional dance ignites your consciousness of the sacred energy flow of your movements as you learn to dance your vital energy

Do you ever wonder why in all traditions and in every culture, many of the very important dance repertoires are related to the spirit of gods, rites of passage, spiritual training, healing and wellness?

Your dance as your spirit vital energy rhythm in movement is also recognized nowadays in such popular trends as dance healing retreats.

The modern world, though, often dismiss the power of rhythm in everyday simple and banal mindfully conscious movements.

Yet, no one can deny that when we heal the physical body simply naturally, we also heal the mind and the spirit sustainably. 

Deepak Chopra explains the concept well in his talk about Physical healing, Emotional wellbeing.

Learn to dance your vital energy to the rhythm of your soul spirit timeless essence

Go on to the boutique Mouvement de mieux-vivre
| Aligne always better and better to the essential towards a healthy in a healthy body for a serene mindset, with practical tools.

♥ This path of light, on a genuine cultural revolution movement to dance to the purity of our sacred essence, is for you! ♥  

Share your challenges of total presence to self-conquest. Unwind your dance!

Be still. Share, heart to soul, as you wish...

Express your experiences, commitments, strength, love, and joy.

Share your art, wins, challenges of total presence to self-conquest, unwind your dance...

♥ This path of light, on a genuine revolution dance movement to the purity of our sacred essence, is for you! ♥

See what we've been already sharing...

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Happy to have you here! I'm Khefista Shemzoumot.

Happy to share this powerful self-care to self-conquest journey in joyful conscious movement of universal wellness.

We care to Be entirely. We stir our vital energy. We embrace and celebrate total presence to fully dance respect, clarity and integrity in balancing our constant becoming.

We are one dance with the earth, the universe and the infinite. 

Everything relates to your dance because life is a dance. Your dance is movement. Movement is life.

This inevitable cultural revolution movement dance is mindful total presence rhythm of respect, clarity and integrity in balancing your constant becoming to the purity of your sacred essence

My vital energy focus for us: to embrace this inevitable cultural revolution movement to the dance rhythms of respect, clarity and integrity in balancing our constant becoming to infinity.

Honour to our Nanas and Legba; Honour to our Ancestors; 

We open the doors. We help each of us put all barriers down.

We help each of us unravel and fuel flowing positive communication channels.

We help each of us empower growing communities of ever more deeply respectful and grounded people.

We help each of us empower growing communities of people thriving to dance balance and integrity in all.

We help each of us empower growing communities of people in mindfulness and total presence through consciously honest questions and movements.

We help each of us empower growing communities of people honouring our essence in powerful self-care to self-conquest.

We help each of us be trustworthy companions in our total presence engagement and guidance.

We help each of us cut ourselves from fears.

We help each of us to sustainable health and fitness and wealth, to travel in joy to the right places for continuous learning towards balance and integrity in all.

We help each of us lead the way for our daughters and sons to grow well, heart and soul, body, mind and spirit through sustainable abundance mindset to the purity of the 
sacred essence of our dance.

Dance floor friends community like Te Varua Ori Tahitian Dance Troupe, enjoying the genuine connection and the energizing vibrations of rhythms in each heart and soul, body, mind and spirit, forms a small scale egregore.

♥ This path of light, on a genuine cultural revolution movement to dance to the purity of our sacred essence, is for you! ♥