Mindful indigenous culture revolution dance quotes around the world

39 mindful Indigenous culture revolution dance quotes to get you moved, moving, connected, thinking, aligned and alert

This section includes mindful indigenous culture revolution dance quotes by authors cited once. The next sections are dance quotes by authors, in alphabetical orders, cited more than once.

  • A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground. Then it is done, no matter how brave its warriors or strong its weapons

    ~  Cheyenne proverb
  • The pulsing drum, often considered to represent the heartbeat of the world, accompanies... the dancing and songs that enriched the spiritual life of the community

    Grandfather's Spirit
  • The dance of the priestess, unlike the dance of a stage performer, does not depend on physical fitness and youth. Her dance was the dance of the soul, and no physical frailty could obscure its radiance    

    Jalaja Bonheim | Aphrodites's Daughters
  • My people will sleep for a one hundred years, but when they awake, it will be the artists who give them their spirit back

    ~   Louis Riel
  • ...Once you recognize within yourself a hunger for something beyond just continuing, once you taste even the possibility of touching the meaning in your life, you can never be completely content with just going through the motions

    ~  Oriah Mountain Dreamer
  • I Dance With The World So Serendipitously... I Live A Blessed Life and I Give Thanks and Gratitude for This... I measure my rewards in this way for all the good work I do

    ~  Puma Ghostwalker
  • ...Drumming is as fundamental a form of human expression as speaking, and likely emerged long before humans even developed the capability of using the lips, tongue and vocal organs as instruments of communication. 

    ~  Sayer Ji


Dreamweaver is a signature I discovered and fell in love with many years ago. I find that her indigenous culture revolution dance quotes are beautifully crafted and resonate with deep consciousness.

Flint Eagle

I met Flint Eagle through the documentary The Warrior Dance. The indigenous culture revolution dance quotes from Flint Eagle are testimonies of dance as a powerful survival art.

Gabrielle Roth

Gabrielle Roth sayings on dances are classified in our collection of indigenous culture revolution dance quotes because her experiences leading to her 5 Rhythms Global massive work were actualized through aboriginal shamanic culture.

  • Rhythm is a map to everywhere we want to go, inner, outer, forward, back, physical, emotional, intellectual, it reconnects us to the wisdom of our bodies and unleash movement's dynamic healing power

    ~  Gabrielle Roth (5 rhythns global)
  • Mine is the art of inspiring people to turn themselves inside out, transform their suffering into art, their art into awareness and their awareness into action.

    ~  Gabrielle Roth (5 rhythns global)
  • tribal individual: wildly independant, yet yearning for community; totally free, yet deeply disciplined; in love with form, yet identified to the formless - willing to dance the leap of consciousness required for future generations.

    ~  Gabrielle Roth (5 rhythns global)
  • Energy moves in waves. Waves move in patterns. Patterns move in rhythms. A human being is just that, energy, waves, patterns, rhythms. Nothing more. Nothing less. A dance.

    ~  Gabrielle Roth (5 rhythns global)
  • In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions : When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?

    Gabrielle Roth

Indian Proverb

This collection of Indigenous culture revolution dance quotes cannot be without the great wisdom of original Indian proverbs.

Lakota Nation

Beautiful teachings from Lakota Nation, indigenous culture revolution dance quotes

  • Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self, all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.

  • Great Mystery, teach me how to trust my heart, my intuition, the senses of my body, the blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred space and love beyond my fear, and thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious sun.

     ~  Lakota Prayer


Apsaalooke pow wow fancy dancer and hip hop artist Supaman is spreading love with his own unique native american style. His lyrics are in tune to mindful indigenous culture revolution dance quotes. 

  • Dance... Let every step be a prayer for humanity

    ~  Supaman
  • The well being of women determines the well being of society! Pray for them, honor them, love them, and dance for them! 

    ~  Supaman


39 mindful Indigenous culture revolution dance quotes 

Go on to the boutique Mouvement de mieux-vivre
| Aligne always better and better to the essential towards a healthy in a healthy body for a serene mindset, with practical tools.

♥ This path of light, on a genuine cultural revolution movement to dance to the purity of our sacred essence, is for you! ♥  

Share your challenges of total presence to self-conquest. Unwind your dance!

Be still. Share, heart to soul, as you wish...

Express your experiences, commitments, strength, love, and joy.

Share your art, wins, challenges of total presence to self-conquest, unwind your dance...

♥ This path of light, on a genuine revolution dance movement to the purity of our sacred essence, is for you! ♥

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Happy to have you here! I'm Khefista Shemzoumot.

Happy to share this powerful self-care to self-conquest journey in joyful conscious movement of universal wellness.

We care to Be entirely. We stir our vital energy. We embrace and celebrate total presence to fully dance respect, clarity and integrity in balancing our constant becoming.

We are one dance with the earth, the universe and the infinite. 

Everything relates to your dance because life is a dance. Your dance is movement. Movement is life.

This inevitable cultural revolution movement dance is mindful total presence rhythm of respect, clarity and integrity in balancing your constant becoming to the purity of your sacred essence

My vital energy focus for us: to embrace this inevitable cultural revolution movement to the dance rhythms of respect, clarity and integrity in balancing our constant becoming to infinity.

Honour to our Nanas and Legba; Honour to our Ancestors; 

We open the doors. We help each of us put all barriers down.

We help each of us unravel and fuel flowing positive communication channels.

We help each of us empower growing communities of ever more deeply respectful and grounded people.

We help each of us empower growing communities of people thriving to dance balance and integrity in all.

We help each of us empower growing communities of people in mindfulness and total presence through consciously honest questions and movements.

We help each of us empower growing communities of people honouring our essence in powerful self-care to self-conquest.

We help each of us be trustworthy companions in our total presence engagement and guidance.

We help each of us cut ourselves from fears.

We help each of us to sustainable health and fitness and wealth, to travel in joy to the right places for continuous learning towards balance and integrity in all.

We help each of us lead the way for our daughters and sons to grow well, heart and soul, body, mind and spirit through sustainable abundance mindset to the purity of the 
sacred essence of our dance.

Dance floor friends community like Te Varua Ori Tahitian Dance Troupe, enjoying the genuine connection and the energizing vibrations of rhythms in each heart and soul, body, mind and spirit, forms a small scale egregore.

♥ This path of light, on a genuine cultural revolution movement to dance to the purity of our sacred essence, is for you! ♥